Sunday 29 December 2019

BOOKS | Review: Mirage by Somaiya Daud

Name: Mirage
Author: Somaiya Daud
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Date published: 28th August 2018
Genre: Fiction, young adult, fantasy, science fiction
Pages: 311
Rating: 4/5
Note: This review contains mild spoilers.

 In a star system dominated by the brutal Vathek empire, eighteen-year-old Amani is a dreamer. She dreams of what life was like before the occupation; she dreams of writing poetry like the old-world poems she adores; she dreams of receiving a sign from Dihya that one day, she, too, will have adventure, and travel beyond her isolated moon.
But when adventure comes for Amani, it is not what she expects: she is kidnapped by the regime and taken in secret to the royal palace, where she discovers that she is nearly identical to the cruel half-Vathek Princess Maram. The princess is so hated by her conquered people that she requires a body double, someone to appear in public as Maram, ready to die in her place.
As Amani is forced into her new role, she can’t help but enjoy the palace’s beauty—and her time with the princess’ fiancĂ©, Idris. But the glitter of the royal court belies a world of violence and fear. If Amani ever wishes to see her family again, she must play the princess to perfection...because one wrong move could lead to her death.
- From Goodreads

I was not certain how I felt about Mirage at the beginning, and for a while as I was reading it I thought I might give it 3/5 stars, but towards the end it began to pick up and I felt more positive about the story.
I thought the concept was certainly interesting, but in some places it could have been better executed. Sometimes I wondered if it was necessary for there to be a look-a-like at all and if the story could have just been told from Princess Maram's perspective, since she was certainly a complex character with the potential to learn and be redeemed from her mistakes, and it would not have been too difficult to write her falling for the love interest instead of Amani falling for him. But in the end I did enjoy the developing friendship between the two girls and I will be interested to see how their stories develop in the next book.
Apart from the growing friendship between the girls and Amani's relationship with Idris (which I thought was well written but I did not feel completely invested in it), I felt that not much changed throughout the story. By the end, Amani was pretty much where she had started, held hostage with little power to change anything. There were some difference and I can understand the story is not complete yet, but I think it might have been better if it had ended with Amani in a different place.
I think as well as the plot, the writing for the main character Amani could have been improved a little too. Sometimes she seemed so much more good and kindhearted than the princess and she was often worried about the consequences of her actions, but there were a few small moments where she slipped too easily into having to pretend to be the princess and did not seem to worry much about the people she was being cruel to. I often found myself wanting to root for her but there was something about her character that was a little too weak and ill-defined to completely understand.
Overall, although I have my criticisms of the story and felt it was a bit slow to get into despite it not being that long, I thought the action and excitement towards the end of the book really picked things up for me and made me more invesed. I am looking forward to the next book and I am hopeful that the good parts of this book, such as the setting and concepts, will continue into the next.

Monday 16 December 2019

UNBOXING | Illumicrate: The Cruel Prince Special Edition

As you probably already know from my reviews of the first two books in The Folk of the Air trilogy, this is a series I really adore, so when Illumicrate announced a special edition box for The Cruel Prince in celebration of the release of The Queen of Nothing, I knew I would love it. This was a wonderful box to open, and I found every item was incredibly beautiful!
I have listed each item that came in the box below, along with a link to the designer or shop that created it.

Jude and Cardan bookend set, designed by Noverantale

Character bookmark set, artwork by Coralie Jubénot

"Every part of me" enamel pin, designed by Fable & Black

A Sinister Tableau tote, artwork by Alice Duke

The brugh blanket, artwork by Yoshi Yoshitani

Folk of the Air decorative dust jackets, artwork by RosieThorns88

Special edition of The Cruel Prince by Holly Black, with sprayed edges and a signed book plate

Everything in this box was so absolutely gorgeous, I do not know how I could choose a favourite item. I will definitely be making use of the incredibly designed bookends and the super soft blanket, and the dust jackets are such beautiful creations. I am definitely planning on getting the other two books in the series when Illumicrate releases their special editions, especially now that I have recently read The Queen of Nothing and in finishing the series love it all even more!
Keep an eye out for my review of The Queen of Nothing, and if you received this box too, let me know what you thought in the comments below!

Saturday 7 December 2019

BOOKS | Review: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

Name: The Goblin Emperor
Author: Katherine Addison
Publisher: Solaris
Date published: 21st March 2019 (first published 1st April 2014)
Genre: Fiction, fantasy, steampunk
Pages: 480
Rating: 5/5
Note: This review contains mild spoilers.

Even on the throne, you're only as good as your wits—or your heart.
Maia, the youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor, has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it.
But when his father and three sons in line for the throne are killed in an “accident”, he has no choice but to take his place as the only surviving rightful heir.
Surrounded by sycophants and overwhelmed by the burdens of his new life, he can trust nobody. Amid the swirl of plots to depose him, offers of arranged marriages, and the spectre of the unknown conspirators, he must quickly adjust to life as the Goblin Emperor.
- From Goodreads.

I really loved The Goblin Emperor and found it to be such a joy to read. It was so refreshing to have a main character be so considerate and to know he did everything he did because he wanted to be a good person. It did not feel boring or dull, and I really rooted for Maia because he was so thoughtful and sweet, and I could easily see why the other characters came to like him too. I think his kindness made him brave and it kept me turning the pages as I hoped to see the success of his endeavour to be a good emperor for his people.
There were a lot of details, characters and place names to remember in the story, so I found the list of names at the beginning of the book very useful, and I felt so invested in the story and enjoyed the development of the characters so much that I did not get too caught up in the details and managed to understand what was happening in the story. I think this is the kind of book I will read over and over again and spot new details each time.
I thought the world building was truly excellent. The elves and goblins, the technology and airships, the traditions and different ways of being religious, were all written about in such an interesting and unique way, I felt truly immersed in the world.
There was only a small amount of romance, but what there was in the slow beginnings of a relationship between Maia and Csethiro, the woman he is set up in an arranged marriage with, was very compelling. I think the way they came to slowly learn more about each other and gradually came to care about each other was very endearing and sweet.
I really loved how language was used so inventively in the story, the society that Maia was suddenly thrown into was very strict and formal with how they used words, and when he slipped up or intentionally used language in a way he was not supposed to it was a clever way of showing his personality and how he did not want to get too caught up in being emperor and the power that came with that.
Overall I fell completely in love with this book and it quickly became a favourite that I will be happy to read again many times. It was hopeful and uplifting and it was wonderful to read such a kindhearted character succeeding against all odds.

Monday 2 December 2019

BOOKS | Review: The Wicked King by Holly Black

Name: The Wicked King
Author: Holly Black
Publisher: Hot Key Books
Date published: 8th January 2019
Genre: Fiction, young adult, fantasy, romance
Pages: 326
Rating: 5/5
Note: This review contains mild spoilers.

You must be strong enough to strike and strike and strike again without tiring.
The first lesson is to make yourself that strong.

Jude has bound the wicked king, Cardan, to her, and made herself the power behind the throne. Navigating the constantly shifting political alliances of Faerie would be difficult enough if Cardan were biddable. But he does everything in his power to humiliate and undermine her, even as his fascination with her remains undiminished.
When it becomes all too clear that someone close to Jude means to betray her, threatening her life and the lives of everyone she loves, Jude must uncover the traitor and fight her own complicated feelings for Cardan to maintain control as a mortal in a faerie world.
- From Goodreads.

I already enjoyed Jude's character in The Cruel Prince, but The Wicked King made me like her even more. I always appreciate it in a book when an author can succesfully make the main character flawed but still loveable. Jude, despite everything, always tries hard to protect the people she cares about and wants desperately to do things for the right reasons. She worries so much about becoming an inhuman monster but she still has a good heart deep down and I think this is done in quite a subtle way and really showcases how well Holly Black writes complex characters.
We got to see more of the faerie world in this book and I really enjoyed all the details and descriptions of the places the story is set in. I really enjoy myths, fairy tales and other legends, and I think that this book continues to build on and be inspired by details and ideas from those kind of stories in such a fun and imaginative way.
The plot was really thrilling and full of some really exciting and surprising twists and turns. Even when I was distressed or worried for Jude, I was still enjoying reading the story and appreciating how well planned-out the storyline was.
I adored the chemistry between Jude and Cardan. I think Cardan is such an intriguing character and I find it so fascinating how most characters seem to underestimate him while he can actually be very clever, sly and truly powerful, and yet also capable of such deep emotion and feelings for others. I think the magic of his connection to the faerie realm and land is very fascinating and I hope to see that explored more in the next book.
Despite everything and all they have been through, I still found myself hoping for things to end well between Cardan and Jude. They have made mistakes with each other and treated each other pretty terribly at times, but Holly Black writes them in such a way that I can still believe they could come to terms with these things and be together in the future. And I hope they do because together they make such an incredible team and their interactions and dynamic are always such a joy to read. I think theirs has the potential to be such an epic love story, depending on what happens in The Queen of Nothing, the final book in the trilogy.

Sunday 10 November 2019

UNBOXING | Fairyloot: Witches Be Crazy - September 2019

I love anything to do with witches and witchcraft, especially during Autumn, so when FairyLoot announced the theme for their September box was going to be Witches Be Crazy I knew it would be perfect for me! The contents of the box definitely lived up to my expectations and I am really excited to read this month's book.
I have listed each item that came in the box below, along with a link to the designer or shop that created it.

Fluffy witch socks, created by FairyLoot

Metal straws, created by FairyLoot

"You're just as sane as I am" Harry Potter sticky notepad, created by FairyLoot

Tahereh Mafi Shatter Me tarot cards, designed by Loweana

Canvas tote bag, created by Band of Weirdos

"Not Your Basic Witch" enamel pin, created by That's Lovely Dear

Cauldron bath bomb, created by Little Heart Gifts

Charmed, Sabrina, Throne of Glass and Serpent & Dove deck of cards, designed by obsidiayan and crookedyew

Character art print, created by saintdri, with author letter on the back, newsletter, bookmark and theme art, created by taratjah 

Exclusive signed edition of Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin with sprayed edges and artwork on the dust jacket by saintdri

I really loved every item in this box, I liked that most of them were not related to a certain book but fit the general theme, I think that worked really well for this box. I have already used the bath bomb and it was really wonderful, and I am really intrigued by Serpent & Dove!
If you got this box let me know what your favourite items were in the comments below, or if you've already read the book let me know what your thoughts were! If you'd like to find out more about FairyLoot, you can visit their website here.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

BOOKS | Review: The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

Name: The Priory of the Orange Tree
Author: Samantha Shannon
Publisher: Bloomsbury Circus
Date published: 2019
Genre: Fantasy, fiction, adult
Pages: 830
Rating: 5/5

A world divided.
A queendom without an heir.
An ancient enemy awakens.
The House of Berethnet has ruled Inys for a thousand years. Still unwed, Queen Sabran the Ninth must conceive a daughter to protect her realm from destruction--but assassins are getting closer to her door.
Ead Duryan is an outsider at court. Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Ead keeps a watchful eye on Sabran, secretly protecting her with forbidden magic.
Across the dark sea, Tané has trained all her life to be a dragonrider, but is forced to make a choice that could see her life unravel.
Meanwhile, the divided East and West refuse to parley, and forces of chaos are rising from their sleep.
- From Goodreads.  

I was incredibly impressed by The Priory of the Orange tree. With all the space that needed to be taken up with the explanation of the world, its kingdoms, people, traditions and history, I was not sure that the author would have time to put personality into the writing style, but there were still strong moments of beautiful writing, witty humour and emotion that tugged on my heart strings. Her style of writing was enjoyable to read, and she wrote the exposition in a way that did not hold the story back.
The world itself was incredibly indepth, and it was obvious the author had put a lot of hard work into building the countries and characters and the magic system. It was incredible how much detail had been put into it all, and I could see why it has been compared to Game of Thrones. I was worried I would not be able to keep track of all the names and places, but the story kept my attention well enough that I managed to.
I did find some character viewpoints more interesting than others. I looked forward to Ead and Sabran's parts of the story the most, but I still found the others intriguing and enjoyed them, especially with how they all provided information that gave more context and backstory to each others perspectives. As the story went on I did begin to enjoy each perspective more equally as they began to intertwine more tightly. While I immediately took a liking to Eadaz and Sabran, Tané certainly grew on me and I found her to be another favourite character too by the end, and I thought Loth was a very likeable character too. I was never sure whether I really liked Niclays, so I never looked forward to his perspective as much as the others, but I understood the importance of his viewpoint and understood some of his actions.
Even when the main characters made questionable decisions and mistakes, it did not make them unlikeable, it made them more realistic, intriguing characters. Even the background characters we only caught glimpses of seemed like real, living people, and there were not any characters who felt like they were not necessary or not an integral part of the story. Even the ones that were dislikeable, because we were not supposed to like them, felt significant.
If you are considering picking this book up, please do it. It is a big book but that only adds to the enjoyment. It is beautifully rich with detail, the story gradually builds up to a wonderfully dramatic crescendo, and it is more than worth perservering through. I had a couple of times where I put it down for a few days, but I loved it more every time I picked it up.
I honestly think this book will become a classic. I am certain I have never read anything like it before and every time I think of it I am still in awe. Samantha Shannon has created a richly detailed, beautifully intricate and amazingly imaginative story and world and I believe it will always be one of my favourite novels from now on.

Sunday 1 September 2019

BOOKS | Review: Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon

Name: Everything, Everything
Author: Nicola Yoon
Publisher: Corgi Books
Date published: 2015
Genre: Young adult, contemporary, romance
Pages: 306
Rating: 3/5

 Madeline Whittier is allergic to the outside world. So allergic, in fact, that she has never left the house in all of her seventeen years. She is content enough—until a boy with eyes the color of the Atlantic Ocean moves in next door. Their complicated romance begins over IM and grows through a wunderkammer of vignettes, illustrations, charts, and more.
- From Goodreads.

I mostly enjoyed reading Everything, Everything and I thought the story was definitely unique. I really liked the format with the physical book, as the illustrations and diagrams were really inventive and definitely added to the story.
I really like Maddy and Olly as characters, I cared about their lives and I wanted things to work out well for them both. Their romance happened quite quickly but it still seemed believable and realistic enough.
However, not all of the rest of the story felt that realistic and I felt distanced from the story slightly because I was not sure it could all really happen, but I could tell it had been researched and thought out, and I was invested enough in the characters that I could suspend my disbelief.
One of the parts that felt slightly improbable was a plot twist towards the end of the story. I did sense the twist coming a little, but it was very unique and I really felt how much it devasted Maddy, and it was an interesting enough plot point that I did not mind so much that it felt a little implausible.
Another thought on plot is that I was not sure that the ending wrapped up everything well enough that I felt completely satisfied, it was sweet and it seemed hopeful, but I felt like I wanted a little more.
Overall I did like the book although I was left feeling like it was not completely for me. I still really loved some of the characters, and I would recommend picking it up if it sounds like something you might enoy.

Saturday 31 August 2019

BOOKS | Review: Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall

Name: Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Author: Louise Gornall
Publisher: Chicken House
Date published: 2016
Genre: Contemporary, young adult, mental health, romance
Pages: 275
Rating: 4/5

Agoraphobia confines Norah to the house she shares with her mother.
For her, the outside is sky glimpsed through glass, or a gauntlet to run between home and car. But a chance encounter on the doorstep changes everything: Luke, her new neighbour. Norah is determined to be the girl she thinks Luke deserves: a ‘normal’ girl, her skies unfiltered by the lens of mental illness. Instead, her love and bravery opens a window to unexpected truths …
- From Goodreads.

Under Rose-Tainted Skies was a wonderful story to read, and about an area of mental health I had not read very much about before. I thought Norah's condition was portrayed in a very thoughtful, respectful and emotional way that gave real insight into what a life like hers would be like.
I thought it was so fascinating to read a story that really focused on one setting and very few characters. It meant you could really come to understand the characters and their feelings, and the close examination gave an opportunity to make everything feel very real.
In terms of plot, there was a twist in the story towards the end of the book that I did not see coming, but that was very well set up and helped bring a satisfying conclusion to the novel.
The romance in the story was very heartwarming and although both characters made mistakes with each other, those mistakes were understandable and they tried to work through problems and actively worked to act kindly and thoughtfully towards each other.
Overall, although of course some parts of the book made me feel anxious and emotional, I finished the book feeling happy and hopeful, and when I think back to the book I am very glad I read it.

Saturday 10 August 2019

BOOKS | Review: The Paper & Hearts Society by Lucy Powrie

Name: The Paper & Hearts Society
Author: Lucy Powrie
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Date published: June 2019
Genre: Young adult, contemporary
Pages: 365
Rating: 4/5

Tabby Brown is tired of trying to fit in. She doesn't want to go to parties - in fact, she would much rather snuggle up on the sofa with her favourite book.
It's like she hasn't found her people ...
Then Tabby joins a club that promises to celebrate books. What could go wrong? EVERYTHING - especially when making new friends brings out an AWKWARD BUZZING feeling all over her body.
But Olivia, Cassie, Henry and Ed have something that makes Tabby come back. Maybe it's the Austen-themed fancy-dress parties, or Ed's fluffy cat Mrs Simpkins, or could it be Henry himself ...
Can Tabby let her weird out AND live THE BEST BOOKISH LIFE POSSIBLE?
- From Goodreads.

The Paper & Hearts Society was such a sweet and lovely read that I really related to. It made me feel very nostalgic and took me right back to when I was Tabby's age, how my love for reading felt at that point in my life, and how I had a countless amount of insecurities but really valued the friendships I managed to find and the friends who really understood me and my interests.
Tabby's voice was so endearing and funny, I found myself smiling and laughing a lot while reading the book. I especially enjoyed her relationship and interactions with her grandmother as I thought they felt very warm and real. I also rooted for the romance that develops through the story, Tabby and her love interest really suited each other and I thought it was a very well protrayed teenage romance.
I thought the topics of anxiety, depression, bullying and family relationships were dealt with well and all of them were addressed in a comforting and satisfying way.  I did see where the story was going mostly and guessed a couple of the plot points but I did not feel that ruined the story for me and I think all of the plot points were executed in an interesting way.
There were a couple of points where there could have been slightly more editing to tidy up a little awkward piece of writing, but overall it was very easy to read and a very good debut novel. And I definitely enjoyed all the pop culture references (especially the Taylor Swift mentions).
If you are looking for a sweet, upbeat, contemporary story that deals well with serious topics, I definitely recommend giving this a try! I will definitely be picking up the sequel.

Sunday 16 June 2019

UNBOXING | Fairyloot: Unlikely Romances - May 2019

It's always great when you love every item in a book box, even if you're not that invested in every book or series that the items are inspired by, and that is exactly what happened for me with FairyLoot's May Unlikely Romances box! I knew I had to get this box because I am such a hopeless romantic and I adored the theme right away, and I am so glad I did, because there are some wonderful items that are from books I really love, and even the items that are inspired by books I haven't read yet are really beautiful and useful! As well as that the book that came in the box sounds so intriguing and I am very excited to read it. It also has pink sprayed edges and I utterly love anything that is soft pastel pink. I've listed each item that came in the box below, along with a link to the designer or shop that created it.

Tahereh Mafi Ignite Me bamboo travel mug, designed by KDP Letters.

Natasha Ngan Girls of Paper and Fire notepad.

Laini Taylor Daughter of Smoke and Bone pencil case, designed by Literary Lifestyle Company.

Renee Ahdieh The Wrath and The Dawn and Flame in the Mist magnetic bookmark set, designed by lexaart.

Mint tin, created by FairyLoot.

Sarah J. Maas A Court of Thorns and Roses Starfall candle, created by Little Heart Gifts with a label designed by taratjah.

Holly Black The Cruel Prince crown key chain, created by FairyLoot.

Kiera Cass The Selection tea towel, with character art by taratjah and lettering by catarinabookdesigns.

Leigh Bardugo Six Of Crows tarot cards, designed by artbyemmilinne.

Cassandra Clare Shadowhunter sticker, designed by obsidiayan.

Nadine Brandes Romanov promotional card.

Theme card, bookmark and leaflet.

Character art card by Rachel Hanke with author letter on the back.

Signed edition of The Beholder by Anna Bright with pink sprayed edges.

Overall I was completely delighted with this box, and am very happy I purchased it! I think my favourite items are the key chain inspired by The Cruel Prince (it's so pretty) and the Starfall candle (I just adore scented candles, I think it's gradually becoming an addiction). As mentioned at the beginning of this post, I am also in love with the special edition of The Beholder because the pink edges just make me really happy.
If you got this box let me know what your favourite items were in the comments below, or if you've already read the book let me know what your thoughts were! If you'd like to find out more about FairyLoot, you can visit their website here.

BOOKS | Review: Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

Name: Divine Rivals ( Letters of Enchantment #1) Author: Rebecca Ross Publisher: Magpie Books (Harper Collins) Date published: April 2...