Sunday 1 September 2019

BOOKS | Review: Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon

Name: Everything, Everything
Author: Nicola Yoon
Publisher: Corgi Books
Date published: 2015
Genre: Young adult, contemporary, romance
Pages: 306
Rating: 3/5

 Madeline Whittier is allergic to the outside world. So allergic, in fact, that she has never left the house in all of her seventeen years. She is content enough—until a boy with eyes the color of the Atlantic Ocean moves in next door. Their complicated romance begins over IM and grows through a wunderkammer of vignettes, illustrations, charts, and more.
- From Goodreads.

I mostly enjoyed reading Everything, Everything and I thought the story was definitely unique. I really liked the format with the physical book, as the illustrations and diagrams were really inventive and definitely added to the story.
I really like Maddy and Olly as characters, I cared about their lives and I wanted things to work out well for them both. Their romance happened quite quickly but it still seemed believable and realistic enough.
However, not all of the rest of the story felt that realistic and I felt distanced from the story slightly because I was not sure it could all really happen, but I could tell it had been researched and thought out, and I was invested enough in the characters that I could suspend my disbelief.
One of the parts that felt slightly improbable was a plot twist towards the end of the story. I did sense the twist coming a little, but it was very unique and I really felt how much it devasted Maddy, and it was an interesting enough plot point that I did not mind so much that it felt a little implausible.
Another thought on plot is that I was not sure that the ending wrapped up everything well enough that I felt completely satisfied, it was sweet and it seemed hopeful, but I felt like I wanted a little more.
Overall I did like the book although I was left feeling like it was not completely for me. I still really loved some of the characters, and I would recommend picking it up if it sounds like something you might enoy.

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