Saturday 20 January 2024

BOOKS | Review: The Witchwood Knot by Olivia Atwater

Name: The Witchwood Knot by Olivia Atwater (Victorian Faerie Tales series #1)

Author: Olivia Atwater

Publisher: Olivia Atwater

Date published: November 2023

Genre: Fiction, adult, romance, fantasy, historical, gothic

Pages: 328

Rating: 5/5

Victorian governess Winifred Hall knows a con when she sees one. When her bratty young charge transforms overnight into a perfectly behaved block of wood, she soon realises that the real boy has been abducted by the Fair Folk. Unfortunately, the lord of Witchwood Manor is the only man in England who doesn’t believe in faeries - which leaves Winnie in the unenviable position of rescuing the young lord-to-be all by herself.
Witchwood Manor is bigger than its inhabitants realise, however, and full of otherworldly dangers. As Winnie delves deeper into the other side of the house, she enlists the aid of its dark and dubious faerie butler, Mr Quincy, who hides several awful secrets behind his charming smile. Winnie hopes to make her way to the centre of the Witchwood Knot through wit and cleverness... but when all of her usual tricks fail, who will she dare to trust?

- From Goodreads.

I like that the author did something different to her previous books in this story. All her books feel distinct from each other in terms of plot and characters, while still having the the similar writing style and perfect romantic feelings that I love from her books.

The gothic, dark atmosphere was done perfectly. It definitely took a darker turn from her other books but worked very well for this story. All of the descriptions of the setting and all the details in the house and the way it became a whole sinister world of it's own all added to the spookier feeling of this story.

The characters were so fascinating and a joy to follow. I loved Winnie and how she slowly became more caring and protective of Robert who she had been hired to be a governess for, and how he slowly came to trust her.

I also loved the slow build of the relationship between Winnie and Mr Quincy. How they went from enemies who could not trust each other to falling in love and telling each other things they had not told anyone else was done so perfectly and written so well. I just adored every scene they were in together and he was such an intense, intriguing character.

The plot was thrilling and suspenseful, and I was intrigued the whole time to find out how Winnie would unravel the mystery and help to fix everything. I think it resolved well while also leaving enough suspense for the next book, which I will be very excited to read. I think this book solidified that Olivia Atwater is a new favourite of mine and I will definitely continue to read everything she writes.

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