Wednesday 29 October 2014

Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Name: Fangirl
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Author's website:
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Date published: 2014
Number of pages: 459
Rating: 5/5
Spoiler warning: Moderate
The ending of this book crept up on me (that seems to be happening to me more and more often, maybe I just need to pay more attention) and I didn't realise it was almost over until I turned a page and realised the next page was the last one. Obviously I knew it was going to end eventually, just not right at that point. I think I just became really attached and didn't want it to end. I really related to Cath and loved reading her journey. I recently started university so I really understood her nerves about it. The story felt very real with mistakes and confusion and mess and things not being straight-forward but getting sorted out eventually with a lot of effort and really good happy moments and happy tears that made the hard work definitely worth it...and I'm rambling...
I really liked the fan fiction element. I have to admit I read (and sometimes attempt to write...but just forget I mentioned that because my attempts are pretty bad...) fan fiction myself and I liked how this book showed that it isn't some weird freaky thing and that it can be really important and significant and brilliant.
I found it interesting that Cath never reconciled with her mother, and I that was good because doing that wasn't the right thing to do for Cath and it would have felt forced. I think it showed that the end of the book isn't the end of the story because maybe one day Cath would go on to talk to her mum, Maybe. The fact that the book leaves a few things in the air leaves you to imagine what Cath and her family and friends did next, in a good way, not in a oh-my-God-you-can't-just-leave-it-there-I-hate-you way, of course. As Wren said, "It's never over." (excuse me while I go and repeat that to myself while crying about Harry Potter).

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