Tuesday 12 November 2013

Review: How to Keep a Boy as a Pet by Diane Messidoro

Name: How to Keep a Boy as a Pet
Author: Diane Messidoro
Author's Website: http://www.dianemessidoro.co.uk/
Publisher: Electric Monkey
Date published: 2012
Number of pages: 338
Rating: 5/5
When it's available: Now

I thought this story was really brilliant. I found it had an interesting format (being written in the form of an online blog, much like this one!) which made the story different to others. It was also hilarious, I literally laughed out loud at some parts. It was just full of funny moments. But it also had it's sad moments, as quite a few good stories do, but they were written well and were necessary to the story, not just added to make sure the story wasn't all sunshine and lollipops.
I enjoyed getting to know the characters of the story. Of course, there were the positively hateful characters, such as Patricia (ugh) but there were also the wonderful characters that I loved, like Rufus (*swoon*). This book had a lovely storyline with pieces that tied in together and, to be frank, a perfect ending.

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